T&F Amazin Storybook Foundation, Inc.

Together We Will Explore The Extraordinary


About Us

T&F Amazin’ Storybook Foundation, Inc.

At T&F Amazin’ Storybook Foundation, Inc. we're dedicated to nurturing talent and building dreams. Our mission is to develop new and existing talent in our community through the arts, including acting, dancing, creative expression, music, and theater. We're not just about honing skills; we're about creating healthy, self-confident, and productive adults."

Our vision is to expand the imagination of our youthful community with high levels of creativity. We strive for financial stability for all members of our team while bringing hope and new levels of entertainment to our communities.

Our Services

We Offer the Following Training and Service

We serve Youth (Ages 6-12), Teens (Ages 13-17), and Adults (18+)



From beginners to advanced performers, our acting program nurtures talent at every level.



Our dance program is designed to promote fitness, confidence, and self-expression.



We offer music lessons in various instruments and styles, fostering creativity and musicality."

Creative Arts

Creative Arts

Our Creative Arts program encompasses Writing, Art Animation, AI, Robotics, Art, Prop Design/Building, Costuming, Puppetry, and Animatronics.

Community Outreach

Community Outreach

We're not just about the arts; we're about making a positive impact on our community.

T&F Extrodinaires

T&F Extrodinaires

Our T&F Extrodinaires is a paid Acting Troop, the epitome of our training, showcasing the very best talents nurtured at T&F.

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What Client Says

At T&F Amazin’ Storybook Productions, we take pride in the transformation we see in our participants. But don't take our word for it, hear from the people who matter the most - our community. Here are some of their stories

Maria P.
Maria P.


Ever since my daughter joined T&F, I've seen her blossom in ways I didn't expect. She has not only improved in her acting skills, but her confidence and ability to express herself has truly shone through. Thank you, T&F!

Alex R.
Alex R.

T&F Extraordinaire

I started at T&F as a complete beginner with no idea about acting. The warm and nurturing environment at T&F has helped me explore my potential and grow as a performer. I'm grateful for the opportunities and the wonderful community I've found here.

Lilly S.
Lilly S.


T&F isn’t just about acting, music, or dance – it’s about unlocking your full potential. I found my voice and my courage here, and for that, I can’t thank T&F enough.

Frequently Asked Questions


Our participants progress through various levels marked by color-coded groups, working towards Advanced+ status.

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Contact Us

T&F Amazin Storybook Foundation, Inc.


(909) 570-1706

Office Location

2108 N Street, Suite N Sacramento, CA 95816

Practices and Trainings
held in San Bernardino, CA




Contact us for more Information and location